Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear Readers


If there are any of you, that is. But aren't journal writing and blogging just socially acceptable forms of talking to yourself?

I'll start my blog with a funny story. Today, I was on the first floor of the library, which, for those of you who don't know, is in the basement and it's usually pretty deserted. I walked past a group study room, see something odd and stop. I kind of did one of those numbers where you take a few steps back and crane your neck around...but I was too afraid to look. I motioned to my friend to look in the window of the room. Her eyes looked like this,


See, there was a couple laying on the table MAKING OUT. You would think, if they wanted to get that hot and heavy, they'd go somewhere that people couldn't just peek in and see. But maybe they were studying anatomy and wanted to apply what they were learning.

So my friend pounded on the door and we ran off giggling like school girls. Oh wait, we are.

Bear with me, as this blog is a work in progress. I look forward to posting more and having you read about my adventures, haha.

--The Bean.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! First comment. What a funny story! And excuse me? Totally gross and not classy at all! Welcome to the blogosphere, my dear! :)
