Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Can I Just Say...

That life is good? No, it's not just good, it's uh-mazing right now. Spring is coming, I can feel it. I got an interview for that job I applied for, and it went very well. She outright told me that she was very impressed with me. The job requires me to help the girl with her occupational therapy goals, which is EXACTLY what I want to do with my career. The experience will look fantastic on a graduate school application. This week, I found out that my former English professor is looking for a TA for the next six weeks, and chances are good that I got that job as well.


There's an attractive boy in my physiology class and lab (so I see him five days a week) that I've had my eye on for awhile, and we prefer talking to listening to the lecture. :P Today after class, he said, "Hey, can I get your number?" *mumbles something about a study group* I wanted to be like:


But I kept my cool, and we exchanged our numbers. And then I got home, and did a "FIST PUMP!", Megamind style.

I'm going to go and play loud music and dance around the apartment now. :D

1 comment:

  1. FUUUUN. I want to dance with you! Let's hang out because I'm here through March 27th-ish.
